Saturday, 30 May 2015

Mu Complex: Episode One

Table of Contents


This is a guide for Mu Complex: Episode One. I didn't see any written guide on google so i think i'll write one for myself. I'll try to make it as simple as possible.

How to use this guide

Task - what to do
Hint - hints on how to solve the problem
Solution - reveal step to step guide for the solution. Hover your mouse to show the text.

Note that what you have to type is preceeded by type word and you don't have to write the type word in your answer (ex: if it's written type ls then just write ls). Also, please enter before issuing another command.

How to play

If you are familiar with Linux's shell commands, it works exactly like that except that your commands are more limited.

For those who are completely clueless about how to do it, there are some basic commands that you need to know in order to play (as written in help command):

help - display available commands
motd - display last audio message
ls (list) - display file list
cat (concatenante) - display file output (usage ex: cat file.txt will display the content of file.txt, if available.)
sudo (super user do) - run command as administrator (only do it when you are asked to; otherwise it's optional to use it)
ssh (SSH/Secure Shell client) - move to another computer

Here are some useful key (press it in your keyboard):
tab - autocompleting command (usage ex: if you want to write cat file txt, you can just type cat f then tab. Voila! It autocompletes for you)
up and down - navigates through previous commands

Typically, you have to use help command in every stage to look at the available commands (because sometimes the commands changed). After that, you can proceed after you know what you have to do.


Welcome to Mu Complex, a Governmental Company. Now you have to login to look at the company's files in order to know their secret.


Stage 1


Login to proceed.


help command will help you.


  1. Type help to show available commands
  2. In order to login, you have to know the password, so display the password first. Type password.
  3. Now you know the password. It's time to login. Type login.
  4. Use the password you just get to login. Type brucedayton.

Stage 2


Find the password then proceed to login.


Check the files.


  1. Type help to show available commands
  2. In order to login, you have to know the password, so display the password first. Type password.
  3. Now you know the password. It's time to login. Type login.
  4. Use the password you just get to login. Type brucedayton. (Note: Type allomoto if it doesn't work. Credits to Yue for the info.)

Stage 3


Login to the system.


You have to run a command as administrator.


  1. Type help to show available commands. Notice the new sudo command.
  2. Let's look at the files. Type ls.
  3. There are 3 files, but of course we need to look at the password file. Type cat password.
  4. "You must be administrator to read that file." Ok, let's redo this command as administrator. Type sudo cat password.
  5. We got the password. Now let's login. Type login.
  6. Use the password you just got. Type m3g4pa55word.

Stage 4


Unlock Bruce Dayton's personal files by entering his birth date.


Check the files to notice two things:
  1. Someone is having a birthday.
  2. That person's age on that birthday.


  1. Type help to show available commands, then type ls to look at the files.
  2. Read at all the mails. You'll notice that in aevans.mail file, it is stated that that day is Bruce Dayton's birthday. Type cat aevans.mail.
  3. So we know his birth date (stated in the mail sent date), except the year (he's not born in the day the mail is sent, right?). If you have noticed, there is a file named birthday.jpg. Open it. Type cat birthday.jpg.
  4. Wow so at 03/18/64, he's 30 years old! That means, his birthday is.. 64-30, duh. 03/18/34. Now it's time to unlock Bruce Dayton's personal files. Type unlock.
  5. Type 03/18/34.

Stage 5


Connect your computer (located in Level 01) to a computer in Level 02.


  1. There is a new command.
  2. You can go to other computer (except Bruce Dayton's) located in Level 01.


  1. Type help to show available commands, then type ls to look at the files.
  2. Type ls to look at the files.
  3. Open data.part02. Type cat data.part02. It contains a password hint to Daniel's computer: replace every 4 by 0. It seems that the file seems to be incomplete (notice the part02), so we have to find the other file.
  4. Open level1.jpg. Type cat level1.jpg. Notice that there are other computer except Bruce Dayton's in Level 01.
  5. Go to Adams Evans' computer. Type ssh adamsevans.
  6. Take a look at the files on this computer. Type ls.
  7. Open all the files there and you'll find a  username and password in attach.mail. Type cat attach.mail.
  8. Now, switch to Tim Gurton's computer. Type ssh timgurton.
  9. Use the password you have just received to login. Type sexykate.
  10. Again, type ls.
  11. You'll notice that there is data.part01 there. Open it. Type cat data.part01. You'll get Daniel's username and password.
  12. Now you are ready to login to Daniel's computer. Type ssh danielrich.
  13. Use the password written in data.part01 file after replacing every 4 by 0; according to what written in data.part02 file. Type half0099way.

Stage 6


Navigate through Level 02. Note that some systems are malfunctioning.


  1. ccm commands are different than others. Read the manual carefully.
  2. The ccm can only power one electronic.


  1. Type help to show available commands, then type ls to look at the files.
  2. Type level2.jpg. You will see Level 02 layout.
  3. Open and to see commands which are used in CCM_02. Type cat Type cat In listed a password to access CCM_02.
  4. Go to CCM_02. Type ssh ccm_02.
  5. Use the password listed in file. Type 00admin.
  6. Now use the command listed in Type the ones in bold (order doesn't matter):
    1. Type switch link (This is enabled to connect Daniel's computer to database being powered later (database))
    2. Type switch power database (to give Daniel's computer access to database)
    3. Type switch security (This is disabled to let unauthorized access to other computer)
    4. Type exit (exit CCM_02)
  7. Now you are back on Daniel's computer. Since we have powered database, let's go there. Type ssh database.
  8. Type ls.
  9. Now you'll see db_file. Open it. Type cat db_file.
  10. You'll see Richard Mills' computer password. Note that we can't go to Richard Mills' computer yet before we switch CCM_02 power to Richard Mills' computer. So, let's go there. Type ssh ccm_02
  11. Type the password. Type 00admin.
  12. Grant power to Richard Mills' computer. Type switch power richardmills.
  13. Exit the ccm. Type exit.
  14. Now you can go to Richard Mills' computer. Type ssh richardmills.
  15. Type the password that you got from database. Type 1littleduck.

Stage 7


Find something from the files.


  1. Check the hint listed on the blackboard in the camera.
  2. Change the camera settings.


  1. Type help to show available commands, then type ls to look at the files. Notice the new commands.
  2. Type camera. You will see a blackboard with some notes on it. Take a note at it. Also, take a note that the camera mode is normal with light on.
  3. Now you have to modify the camera mode and light to find some message. To make it easier, here is what you have to type to see it:
    1. Type camera mode normal. Type camera light black.  Type camera. You'll see 12 25 01 in the camera.
    2. Type camera mode thermal. Type camera light off (typing camera light black can also work). Type camera. You'll see 09 in the camera.
    3. Type camera mode infrared. Type camera light off. Type camera. You'll see 01 03 in the camera.
  4. Now, dechiper the code. You got a hint from point 2, listed as follows:
    1. 03-01-11-05 cake
    2. 12-09-05 lie
    3. 08-05-12-12-5 hello
  5. If you look at the code carefully. you'll notice that the number is the numerical order of the alphabet (01 = a, 02 = b, 03 = c, ..., 26 = z). Now let's apply it to the code we got:
    1. 12-25-01 lya
    2. 09 i
    3. 01 03 am
  6. If you rearrange the words, you'll get i am lya. Now let's use this. Type cat introduction.mp3.
  7. It asks for a password, but we already know what it is. Type iamlya (without space).
  8. Read the message. You'll just have to type level3 to proceed! That effort, though. Type level3.

Stage 8


Unlock the airlock.


The thing that is mentioned in the mail is real (i mean, physically and digitally). You'll need google (yes, to find it (or the physical thing if you have it) because the answer is not in the game.


  1. Type help to show available commands, then type ls to look at the files.
  2. After seeing all the available mail, you'll notice that pobrian.mail mentions the password's clue. Type sudo cat pobrian.mail.
  3. The password clue is:
    1. It's a TV set brand.
    2. It's in Chicago Tribune newspaper on 08/13/1961.
    3. It's on page 23.
  4. If you have read cmaverick.mail already (type sudo cat cmaverick.mail), you'll notice that the said newspaper is gone. That means, you have to go through the other way.
  5. Open a new tab in your browser (or just open a new browser), type, and type Chicago Tribune newspaper 08/13/1961 page 23. Yes, i'm serious. We are searching it through google.
  6. Open the first link, and scroll until you see a TV. That's the TV Peter was talking about. Look at the name. It's pretty obvious though from the headline: 23 in. Admiral. It's a 23 inch Admiral TV brand. That's the password. Now, use it. Type login.
  7. Use the password. Type admiral.
  8. You'll get a message to connect to Peter's computer using ssh peterobrian. Type ssh peterobrian.

Stage 9


Unlock the locked file.


Religious beliefs, a bible, and 'what's that noise?'.


  1. Type help to show available commands, then type ls to look at the files.
  2. Type camera. Notice the message:
    1. A bible.
    2. Amos 5.23
    3. "What's that noise?"
  3. Type supervisor1.mail. Type supervisor2.mail. Type cat journal.txt. You'll get another clue:
    1. Peter is not listening to his supervisor, leading him to a suspension.
    2. Peter keeps on hearing noise.
  4. If you are Catholic or Christian, maybe you have already know what Amos 5.23 means. It's a bible passage. Open your physical bible or look at it online if you don't have it. Here's what it said: "Take away from Me the noise of your songs, for I will not listen to the melody of your harps.". Now, connect it with the clue:
    1. The 'noise' is a song.
    2. The 'supervisor' is the harps.
  5. The password is either of the two. Now try it. Type unlock.
  6. Try the passwords. It seems that song is not worked, so the password's harps. Type harps.

Stage 10


Power 5 computers to proceed to Level 04.


  1. Eric Poor: translate it to English.
  2. Annie Nods: it's as what it said. If you are still confused, try to remember on what you did in Stage 9.
  3. Marc Johan: read the sheet. If you still don't know how, google on how to read it.
  4. Steve Door: it's written in the hint. Just look for the table in google or something.
  5. Luke Mike: try to dechiper it. It's the same as what you did in Stage 7.
  6. Oliver Nist: latitude longitude.


  1. Type help to show available commands, then look at the files. Type ls.
  2. Type cat level3.jpg. You'll see the computer list that needs to be powered. You can go to wherever you want.

Eric Poor's computer
  1. Type ssh ericpoor. Type help. Type ls. Type cat hint.
  2. It's color hex. Go to (or other sites or app) and decipher it. You'll get:
    1. #FF0000 red
    2. #0000FF blue
    3. #FFFF00 yellow
  3. Type power.
  4. Input the password. Type redblueyellow.
Annie Nods' computer
  1. Type ssh annienods. Type help. Type ls. Type cat hint.
  2. Open your bible again, go to Luke 19.4. It seems that there are three versions, with 2 different last words (tree and way). Just try both of them for the password.
  3. Type power.
  4. Input the password. It seems that way is the correct one. Type way.
Marc Johan's computer
  1. Type ssh marcjohan. Type help. Type ls. Type cat hint.
  2. It's a music sheet. Refer to this to solve it if you can't read it. Combine the circled one and you'll get the password (btw, all the notes, from left to right, are read as dafdecgiafedcbdecegefed, if you are curious). The circled one is read as deadbeef.
  3. Type power.
  4. Input the password. Type deadbeef.
Steve Door's computer
  1. Type ssh stevedoor. Type help. Type ls. Type cat hint.
  2. It's ASCII. Refer to this to solve it.
    1. 115-99-105-101-110-99-101
    2. s-c-i-e-n-c-e
  3. Type power.
  4. Input the password. Type science.
Luke Mike's computer
  1. Type ssh lukemike. Type help. Type ls. Type cat hint.
  2. It's the alphabet in numerical order again. Refer to this to solve it.
    1. 14-15-14-19-05-14-19-05
    2. n-o-n-s-e-n-s-e
  3. Type power.
  4. Input the password. Type nonsense.
Oliver Nist's computer
  1. Type ssh olivernist. Type help. Type ls. Type cat hint.
  2. Open the latitude and longitude on Google Maps. The city name is mapleton.
  3. Type power.
  4. Input the password. Type mapleton.

Finally, it's done!

After a lot of that hard work, i finally finished it! I hope that this guide will be clear enough to understand.
Feel free to correct me if there are some mistake.
Thank you to StudioCime and Antekoany who made this awesome game, and thanks for reading.

© 2015 Mu Complex: Episode 1 Walkthrough v 1.1.
Feel free to share it as long as you provide the source.


  1. Hi there~
    there is one mistake in this guide: in stage 2 the password is allomoto not brucedayton.
    Thank you for your guide!
    - by Yue

    1. Sorry for the late reply! Either Kongregate version has a different password than the steam version, or i was drunk when i was writing the guide. Either way, thanks for the confirmation! I'll update the info with your input! :)

  2. Hello! Thanks for this guide, but what do the symbols at the end of MU Complex Ep. 1 mean? Hopefully you know.

    1. It means the end of Episode 1, as in HTML, a tag's start is for example, <html> and the end is <html>. Hope this help.
