Table of Contents
This is a guide for Mu Complex: Episode Two. I didn't see any written guide on google so i think i'll write one for myself. I'll try to make it as simple as possible. Note that i'm pretty lazy so i'll just copy and paste the words from my other guide.
How to use this guide
Task - what to do
Hint - hints on how to solve the problem. Please note that in this game, most of the challenge doesn't require logic, but it's more focused on general knowledge. Once you have figured the key points, you'll figure out the answer. That's why most of the hint will lead to the answer. (tldr: don't read this unless you are really stuck or your fun will be ruined)
Solution - reveal step to step guide for the solution. Hover your mouse to show the text.
Note that what you have to type is preceeded by type word and you don't have to write the type word in your answer (ex: if it's written type ls then just write ls). Also, please enter before issuing another command.
How to play
If you are familiar with Linux's shell commands, it works exactly like that except that your commands are more limited. There are a lot of new commands from episode 1 but i don't think it'll be a trouble.
For those who are completely clueless on how to do it, there are some basic commands that you need to know in order to play (as written in help command):
help - display available commands
motd - display last audio message
ls (list) - display file list
cat (concatenante) - display file output (usage ex: cat file.txt will display the content of file.txt, if available.)
sudo (super user do) - run command as administrator (only do it when you are asked to; otherwise it's optional to use it)
map - display the map
ssh (SSH/Secure Shell client) - move to another computer
Here are some useful key (press it in your keyboard):
tab - autocompleting command (usage ex: if you want to write cat file txt, you can just type cat f then tab. Voila! It autocompletes for you)
up and down - navigates through previous commands
Typically, you have to use help command in every stage to look at the available commands (because sometimes the commands changed). After that, you can proceed after you know what you have to do.
In the previous episode, you have succeeded in proceding to Level 4. Now you are going to go deeper in order to free Lya.
Stage 1
Move to Will Terk's computer.
help command will help you.
- Type help to show available commands. Type ls to show file list.
- Open password file. Type cat password.
- It seems that you need to access it as administrator. Type sudo cat password.
- You get the password. Now, move to Will Terk's computer. Type ssh willterk.
- Type the password. Type peterobrian.
Stage 2
Connect to the mainframe.
There is a new command, why not abuse it?
- Type help to show available commands. Notice the new commands.
- Open the camera. Type camera. You'll see a password there, but you are missing two letters.
- Change the camera's light to black. Type light black.
- Open the camera again. Type camera. Now you can see some fingerprints. It's the hint for the last two letters! Search for the letters which the fingerprints are on but not displayed on the machine. You'll notice that there the last two letters are 1 and A, so it could be either 5823B1A or 5823BA1.
- Now we're ready to login. Type ssh mainframe.
- Insert both of the password. It seems that the password is 5823BA1. Type 5823BA1.
Stage 3
Dechiper the formula.
- Please note that you can't go to a computer which haven't been unlocked (you can see which computer has been unlocked by typing map (type map)).
- Kyle Topz: move the bot. You need to notice where it's heading to before you make it walk!
- Fred Morgan: there is something wrong with the picture. This computer doesn't have the right tool to check it. Check it with a particular program in your computer (yes, yours) or online.
- Eddy Wolver
- First challenge: that code is the one used for SOS. You'll need more than just alphabet though. It has alphabet, number, and sign on it. Oh, don't miss the value.
- Second challenge: it has the same name as the first challenge, but it's the flags. Just translate it and get the value right.
- Eva Nice: it's shift left operator. However, shift left is usually used in binary number so what you'll do for alphabet?
- Dolan Skanvo: move the bot. You need to notice where it's heading to before you make it walk! Also, don't forget to use the F1, it works like function in programming.
- Olivier Riddle: they'll have the same surname.
- Fuhong: even the person himself doesn't know what the password is. Try asking mainframe, maybe?
- Eliza Jones: check what the encryption algorithm is and do it. It's changed daily.
- Nina Fez: let them intersect. Use Google Maps.
- Glen Risson: the access list is there for a reason. This person set a restriction for his/her own computer.
- Yacine Houri: Get the horizontal one first, then circle around. Don't forget to turn the lights on.
- Bobby Love
- First challenge: that code is the one used for visually impaired (read: blind) people. You'll need more than just alphabet though. It has alphabet, and number on it. Oh, don't miss the value.
- Second challenge: the "hint" is in his own computer. Just translate it and get the value right.
- Read the manual!
- Type help to show available commands, then type ls to show available files.
- If you try to open all the files, you'll notice that you only can open ebolan.mail (type cat ebolan.mail) which contains an address for internal mail server. This will be used later on.
- Type map. You'll see the computer list that has the required tools. You can go to wherever you want, as long as it's listed there.
Kyle Topz's computer
- Type ssh kyletopz. Type help. Type ls. It seems that you can't see the file unless you solve the maze. Let's do it.
- Type bot help. This will show all the available commands to solve the bot maze.
- Now let's solve the maze. Type bot map to see the map. You'll need to move the bot to the door.
- If you want to try it yourself, do it! It's really fun. However, if you are stuck, you can try these after you are clearing the sequences (type bot clear main). Note that there are 2 (or maybe more?) variations so try another if the one you're entering isn't correct.
- First variation:
- bot push ccw
- bot push move
- bot push cw
- bot push move
- bot push move
- bot push ccw
- bot push move
- bot push ccw
- bot push move
- bot push cw
- bot push move
- bot push ccw
- bot push move
- bot push ccw
- bot push move
- bot play
- Second variation:
- bot push move
- bot push move
- bot push ccw
- bot push move
- bot push ccw
- bot push move
- bot push move
- bot push cw
- bot push move
- bot push move
- bot push cw
- bot push move
- bot push cw
- bot push move
- bot push ccw
- bot push move
- bot push ccw
- bot push move
- bot play
- First variation:
- Now you can see the file in her computer. Type ls.
- Open database.txt. Type cat database.txt. You'll see Fred Morgan's computer username and password there. Now you can proceed to his computer or go to other computer.
Fred Morgan' computer
- Type ssh fredmorgan. Type 01fa2. Type help. Notice the new unlock command. Type ls.
- If you read jmerces.mail (type cat jmerces.mail), you'll see that all of the sent images are having a problem with their "levels".
- If you noticed already, there is a photo attached with the mail in his computer. Let's open it. Type cat pic.jpg.
- Okay, so this photo has a problem with the "levels". If you are familiar with Photoshop or something like that, you'll know what this "levels" mean. Well, i already mention about Photoshop, so it seems you need to check this image on Photoshop (or a similar application capable of modifying image's levels). If you don't have it, you can look it up online. But first thing first, you'll need to get the image. You can get it by pressing Print Screen button, and paste it (CTRL+V) in your Photoshop. If you are using Pixlr, you need to paste the image in Paint first, save it, and then upload it to the site.
- After you have the image in your app, open the levels option (if you are using Photoshop or Pixlr, you can use CTRL+L to access it). You'll see three pointers there. drag the middle pointer (not the bottom one) to the right and a hidden character will appear. That's his wife's name.
- We already get the password, so let's unlock this computer. Type unlock.
- Insert the password. Type clara. Now you can proceed to Eddy Wolver's computer or go to other computer.
Eddy Wolver's computer
- Type ssh eddywolvers. Type help. Type ls.
- It seems that content.lock is locked unless we solve the challenge, so let's do it. Type start.
- First challenge:
- Type help. Type ls. Type cat method.
- You'll see a morse code. You can print screen the morse code and translate it with this if you want, and it should be translated as +5,X2,-2.
- If you have noticed, you'll see that there is a "value" on the top. This value reset everytime you play, so get your calculator on (or maybe you can resize your browser so it can fit the browser and the calculator on the same screen. Your task is to calculate the value by adding it by 5, then times it by 2 and substract it by 2. It should be using this formula: (x+5)*2-2, where x is the value. So if your value is 6, then your answer is (6+5)*2-2 = 20.
- If you have gotten the answer, answer it. Type solve [insert your answer here]. If your answer is 20 then just type solve 20.
- Second challenge:
- Type help. Type ls. Type cat method.
- You'll see a morse flag. You can print screen the morse flag and translate it with this if you want, and it should be translated as square minus seven.
- The "value" on the top is still there, and it's changed from the first challenge (and yes, it'll reset everytime you play). Go calculate it by this formula (x)²-7, where x is the value. So if your value is 6, then your answer is (6)²-7 = 29.
- If you have gotten the answer, answer it. Type solve [insert your answer here]. If your answer is 29 then just type solve 29.
- Open content.lock. Type cat content.lock. Now you can extract archives. Cool. The archives has .tar extension. Just use cat command to extract it.
- Now you can go to other computer.
Eva Nice's computer
- Type ssh evanice. Type help. Type ls.
- If you open hint (type cat hint) you'll see the password hint.
- If you are familiar already, it's shift left operator. That means, we have to move kvqjufs by 1 character to the left (a -> z, b -> a, ..., z -> y) and we'll get jupiter.
- Type ssh-agent.
- Input the password. Type jupiter. Now you can proceed to Dolan Skanvo's computer or go to other computer.
Dolan Skanvo's computer
- Type ssh lukemike. Type help. Type ls. It seems that you can't see the file unless you solve the maze. Let's do it.
- Type bot help. This will show all the available commands to solve the bot maze.
- Now let's solve the maze. Type bot map to see the map. You'll need to move the bot to the door.
- If you want to try it yourself, do it! It's really fun. However, if you are stuck, you can try these after you are clearing the sequences (type bot clear main and type bot clear f1):
- bot push f1 move
- bot push f1 move
- bot push f1 move
- bot push cw
- bot push f1
- bot push cw
- bot push f1
- bot push ccw
- bot push move
- bot push ccw
- bot push f1
- bot push ccw
- bot push f1
- bot play
- Now you can see the file in her computer. Type ls.
- Open database.txt. Type cat database.txt. You'll see Olivier Riddle's computer username and password there. Now you can proceed to his computer or go to other computer.
Olivier Riddle's computer
- Type ssh olivierriddle. Type cb3c4. Type help. Type ls.
- If you look at ebolan.mail (type cat ebolan.mail), you'll see a hint for the password: his/her brother's name who was contributing to a film.
- Open your camera. Type camera. You'll see a quote. Google it, and you'll find that it's a quote from a film named Lolita.
- Now, it's time to see who's Olivier brother is. They must have the same surname, so it should be easy. Let's open imdb and search (CTRL+F) "Riddle". You'll find his/her brother's name.
- Now, let's unlock the computer. Type unlock.
- Input the password. Type nelsonriddle. After unlocking the computer, you'll be able to see hidden files. Hidden files are preceeded by . (dot) and has a grey colour.
- Now you can go to other computer.
Fuhong's computer
- Type ssh fuhong. Type help. Type ls.
- It seems that Fuhong is a forgetful person, and i'm not even sure if he's still remember his password now.
- Ok, let's reset his password. Type resetpass. It seems that you have to send an email to Eric Bolan about it, containing some information listed there. Make sure you keep it.
- If you read ebolan.mail (type cat ebolan.mail), you'll see that an auto-reset password system has been set up. There must be a clue about this somewhere. He said that you have to contact Lya, but it seems impossible. So let's check the mainframe. Type ssh mainframe.
- There is ebolan.mail here. Open it. Type cat ebolan.mail.
- There it is! He has already installed a mail server in Where is it? Just type the URL in your browser! Just make sure that you open it in a different tab though.
- After you have opened, input the Recipient field with, and the content with:
I want to reset my password
97af7c9dAfter that, click the Send button and your new password should appear. - We got the password so let's go back to Fuhong's computer. Type ssh fuhong.
- Type login. Type [insert password here]. Note that the password might be different from each other. Now you can proceed to Eliza Jones' computer or go to other computer.
Eliza Jones' computer
- Type ssh elizajones. Type help. Type ls.
- If you look at ebolan.mail (type cat ebolan.mail), you'll see a hint for the password: Vigenere encryption with subatomicreaction as the key, and @mcpltokgen who'll post the code every day. Also, if you have noticed already, @mcpltokgen is a twitter account, so open it up.
- After you open the twitter and getting today's code, open this website and type the Text field with the code, Key field with subatomicreaction and choose the Transformation checkbox with Decrypt. The transformed text should be the password is [password].
- Now, let's power the computer. Type power.
- Input the password. Now you can proceed to Nina Fez's computer or go to other computer.
Nina Fez's computer
- Type ssh ninafez. Type help. Type ls.
- If you look at note (type cat note), you'll see a hint for the password: a triangulation between Hotel de Ville, Bolivar, Poissonniere, and Dugommier.
- Open Google Maps and create a new map. Put all the locations on the map, and then draw a line for each of the points. It should be like this. If you zoom in at the middle of the intersection, you'll see Temple, which is the password.
- Unlock the password. Type cat private.key.
- Type the password. Type temple. After that, you'll be able to decrypt files. Decrypted files has .crypt extension.
- Now you can go to other computer.
Glen Risson's computer
- Type ssh glenrisson. Type help. Type ls.
- If you look at sec05ctrlconfig.txt (type cat sec05ctrlconfig.txt), you'll see a file permission. You have to give this computer an access to be able to access hosts.lock, so let's edit it.
- Type sudo nano sec05ctrlconfig.txt. (you can't open it without sudo command). Change one of the names listed there (lukeedison, edouardprince, jeinastorm, or cainmanister) to glenrisson so it would be written as glenrisson: "true". Then press Esc button.
- We have given this computer an access, so let's unlock this computer. Type unlock.
- Read hosts.lock. Type cat hosts.lock. You'll see Yacine Houri's computer username and password there. Now you can proceed to Yacine Houri's computer or go to other computer.
Yacine Houri's computer
- Type ssh yacinehouri. Type 48a8b. Type help. Type ls. It seems that you can't see the file unless you solve the maze. Let's do it.
- Type bot help. This will show all the available commands to solve the bot maze.
- Now let's solve the maze. Type bot map to see the map. You'll need to move the bot to the door.
- If you want to try it yourself, do it! It's really fun. However, if you are stuck, you can try these after you are clearing the sequences (type bot clear main, type bot clear f1, type bot clear f2, and type bot clear f3):
- bot push ccw
- bot push f1
- bot push f1
- bot push f1
- bot push f1
- bot push f1
- bot push f1 ccw
- bot push f1 f2
- bot push f1 f2
- bot push f2 f3
- bot push f2 f3
- bot push f3 move
- bot push f3 light
- bot play
- Open database.txt. Type cat database.txt. You'll see Bobby Love's computer username and password there. Now you can proceed to Bobby Love's computer or go to other computer.
Bobby Love's computer
- Type ssh bobbylove. Type a4083. Type help. Type ls.
- It seems that content.lock is locked unless we solve the challenge, so let's do it. Type start.
- First challenge:
- Type help. Type ls. Type cat method.
- You'll see braille alphabets. You can print screen the braille and translate it with this if you want, and it should be translated as times 5987 plus 7117.
- If you have noticed, you'll see that there is a "value" on the top. This value reset everytime you play, so get your calculator on (or maybe you can resize your browser so it can fit the browser and the calculator on the same screen. After that, use this formula: x * 5987 + 7117, where x is the value. So if your value is 6, then your answer is 6 * 5987 + 7117 = 43039.
- If you have gotten the answer, answer it. Type solve [insert your answer here]. If your answer is 43039 then just type solve 43039. Note that you can paste the answer in the game by using CTRL+V.
- Second challenge:
- Type help. Type ls. Type cat method.
- You'll see a code. You can print screen the morse flag and translate it with table.jpg in bobbylove's computer (you can access it when you isn't in the challenge) if you want, and it should be translated as plus 4563 times 15822.
- The "value" on the top is still there, and it's changed from the first challenge (and yes, it'll reset everytime you play). Go calculate it by this formula (x + 4563) * 15822, where x is the value. So if your value is 6, then your answer is (6 + 4563) * 15822 = 72290718.
- If you have gotten the answer, answer it. Type solve [insert your answer here]. If your answer is 29 then just type solve 29. Note that you can paste the answer in the game by using CTRL+V.
As per AySz88's comment:
For bobbylove, you can use + and x piping (detailed in nsimple.mail) instead of rushing to a calculator - just put the following commands in:
challenge | x5987 | +7117 | solve
challenge | +4563 | x15822 | solve
- Open content.lock. Type cat content.lock. Now you can read pdf files. Cool. PDF files has .pdf extension. Just use cat command to open it.
- Now you can go to other computer.
- Okay, if you read this, you must been have gathered all of the tools (4 in total). Go to mainframe. Type ssh mainframe.
- Extract molecules.tar. Type cat molecules.tar.
- Read manual.pdf. Type cat manual.pdf. We got 2 new commands; door add and door start. Now we just need to know which molecules we need.
- Open life.crypt. Type cat life.crypt. It lists the molecules that we need!
- Add all the molecules. Type door add 3768.mol. Type door add 8017.mol. Type door add 2357.mol. Type door add .1001.mol. Type door add .2221.mol. Type door start.
- Congrats for completing the game!
Please note that this section contains about some interesting files "hidden" when playing the game. Some files may be uninteresting to you, but it's interesting to me.
- Fred Morgan's report.txt
Lya block this file's access as soon as we open it. Lucky someone is able to screenshot it here (i don't know who's the one taking it). It's about Lya's isolation (the day before the "event" began). - Olivier Riddle's report.txt
A note about Android project; a project to bring Lya to the world. - Nina Fez's camera
Lya block this camera's access after you open it for a while. Here is the screenshot, although i'm not sure who take the screenshot. It must be happened after Lya locked all the staff (on the audio.mp3 event). - Glen Risson's wterk2.crypt
Maybe it's about the mail which Dr. Miller sent to Glen on the audio.mp3 recording, or it might be a message from Lya herself. - Yacine Houri's ID software
The ID is /Ad56g0ez4/to, but it's never used. He said that it's the ID for his last aptitude test program. Is it true? - Yacine Houri's audio.mp3
This is the most interesting file. It's locked, and you can only get the password by collecting every last letter in every mail saved in this game and sort it by date. You can see the data here though if you are lazy to do it. If you have sorted all the words, you'll get base64VGhlIHBhc3N3b3JkIGlzOiBzdGVyaWxpemVjb21wbGV4, which means you have to decode the VGhlIHBhc3N3b3JkIGlzOiBzdGVyaWxpemVjb21wbGV to base64 and you'll get The password is: sterilizecomplex. Yes, that's the password. Use it and you'll hear something interesting. - Bobby Love's number file
There is a number file in Bobby Love's computer which contains 27. Is it for the challenge in his computer? The challenge didn't mention anything about 27 though.
Hello, world!
After a lot of that hard work, i finally finished it! I hope that this guide will be clear enough to understand.
Feel free to correct me if there are some mistake.
Thank you to StudioCime and Antekoany who made this awesome game, thanks for people who's giving hints in both Jayisgames and Kongregate, and thanks to you for reading.
© 2015 Mu Complex: Episode 2 Walkthrough v 1.0.
Feel free to share it as long as you provide the source.
For bobbylove, you can use + and x piping (detailed in nsimple.mail) instead of rushing to a calculator - just put the following commands in:
ReplyDeletechallenge | x5987 | +7117 | solve
challenge | +4563 | x15822 | solve
I think the "number" file is simply to help you code this up - i.e. you can test the above commands using "cat number | x5987 | +7117" without being inside of the challenge.
(Also, don't forget to peek at yacinehouri's ebolan.pdf, which you might miss if you do bobbylove last. Not a huge secret but still something,)
Sorry for the late reply! Thanks for the tips tho! I have added it to the post above.
DeleteI honestly still doesn't understand the relation between number 27 and the challenge. If it only acts as a helper, is it a random number, then?
Also, since the kong's version is removed, i can't really check this game again, but iirc, that ebolan.pdf is also required for yacine houri's audio.mp3 since it's written on mail format so.. i think you'll still be able to access it even if you do bobbylove last (ofc if you meant 'miss' as 'you can't see it anymore').
Hello! Did you have message from Arianne Moon after Episode 2 ?
ReplyDeleteThere is a hint to another final, but I can't find it.
sorry for the late reply! i rarely open this page nowadays. I didn't bought the Mu Complex on steam so i didn't received the message. This guide was actually meant for the Kongregate version, which was taken down and moved to steam. People said the puzzles are the same though, so this guide is still usable. However, the Kongregate version only features episode 1 and 2 while the steam version has some bonus puzzles so i can't really help you to solve the bonus puzzles, if that's what you are reffering to, i mean ;).
Deletethanks a lot! :)
ReplyDeleteI've been stuck on elizajones for hours now. Whenever I enter the decrypted password, it rejects it. Am I doing something wrong? Is the game screwed up? Please help...
ReplyDeleteSorry for the late reply! You are supposed to type what's in the password. So for the example, today's tweet is: LBF PTGEEQIH IU YNTBAAFF and the vigerene chiper result is "the password is fffoigef". You should type "fffoigef" instead of "the password is fffoigef". Let me know if you need more help! :)
DeleteI can't add the file "1001.mol", it says the the file doesn't exist.
ReplyDeleteHello! Do you mind telling me what's the output of cat life.crypt in your console? I don't have the game on steam so i can't really check it. It might have a different answer than the Kongregate version, which is used for this guide. :)
Delete1001.mol is a hidden file. (Hidden files are files that start with a dot on unix-based computers)
DeleteSo you must add .1001.mol