Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Puzlogic Plus

Table of Contents


This is a guide for Puzlogic Plus. I can't seem to find any guide for this game so i'm trying to make a guide for those who are stuck at some levels.

The walkthrough


Well, the game actually doesn't have that many levels and some are actually a bit challenging so try to solve it by yourself if you can. I actually enjoyed it a lot compared to when i played it for the first time. I hope you're enjoying the game too.

© 2019 Puzlogic Plus Walkthrough v 1.1.
Feel free to share it as long as you provide the source.

Saturday, 20 January 2018


Table of Contents


This is a guide for Pixoji. The game doesn't have auto save by default so i have to do the levels twice. I tried to find a walkthrough since i didn't feel like doing the levels twice, but i couldn't find any, so i decided to make this guide in case there's someone that's in the similar situation as me in the future.

Main Levels

Level 1-10

Level 11-20

Level 21-30

Level 31-40

Level 41-50

Level 51-60

Level 61-70

Level 71-81

Relaxing Levels

Level 1-10

Level 11-20

Level 21-30

Level 31-40

Level 41-53

Medium Levels

No Smiley Levels


I know, i know. I didn't do all medium and no smiley levels, nor it has enough levels to complete the hard badge on kong.
But these are all the levels that i remember to screenshot when i'm redoing the levels, and hey, you just need to do one more level!
Good luck in completing the rest of the levels and thanks for reading.


I just realized that there are several people who posted the solutions on some levels on the comment. I ended up adding them to the guide and put their names here. Thanks for helping me out!
  1. Unknown
  2. Sei
  3. Ash Chaya
  4. Kirel
  5. Luke Rangers

© 2018 Pixoji Walkthrough v 1.1.
Feel free to share it as long as you provide the source.